Added 8 April 2004.
Caiman, Caimans |
Caimanops, Mulga Dragon |
Calabria reinhardtii, African Burrowing Python |
Callisaurus, Zebra-Tailed Lizard |
Callopistes, Monitor- and Dwarf Tegus |
Calodactylodes, Golden Geckos |
Calotes, Bloodsuckers, Beauty Lizards |
Calyptotis skinks |
Calumma chameleons |
Carettochelys, Fly River Turtle |
Carinatogecko, Keel-Scaled Geckos |
Carpet Pythons, see Morelia spilota ssp. |
Carphodactylidae Geckos |
Carphodactylus, Chameleon Geckos |
Cat Gecko, see Aeluroscalabotes felinus |
Caudata, Newts and Salamanders |
Centrolenidae, Ghost/Glass Frogs |
Ceratophora, Horned Agamas |
Chalarodon, Dwarf Malagasy Iguana |
Chalcides skinks |
Chalcides ocellatus, Ocellated/Barrel Skink |
Chamaeleo chameleons |
Chameleons |
Chelidae, Australo-American Sideneck-/Snake-Necked Turtles |
Chelonia, Turtles, Terrapins and Tortoises |
Chelosania, Chameleon Dragon |
Chelydra serpentina, Common Snapping Turtle |
Chelydridae, Snapping and Big-Headed Turtles |
Chinese Water Dragon, see Physignathus |
Chioglossa, Golden-Striped Salamander |
Chioninia, Cape Verde Skinks |
Chlamydosaurus, Frilled Lizard |
Chondrodactylus geckos |
Christinus geckos |
Chrysemys, Painted Turtles |
Claudius, Narrow Bridged Musk Turtles |
Cnemidophorus, Racerunners and Whiptails |
Coeranoscincus, Snake-Toothed Skinks |
Coleodactylus geckos |
Coleonyx geckos |
~ brevis, Texas Banded Gecko |
~ elegans, Yucatan Banded Gecko |
~ mitratus, Central American Banded Gecko |
~ reticulatus, Reticulated Gecko |
~ switaki, Barefoot Gecko |
~ variegatus, Western Banded Gecko |
Colopus wahlbergi, Kalahari Ground Gecko |
Colubridae snakes |
Common Snapping Turtle, see Chelydra serpentina |
Complicitus, Black-Throated Bloodsucker |
Cophotis, Sri Lankan Deaf Agama |
Cordylids, Girdled Lizards |
Coronella, Smooth Snakes |
Coryphophlax, Nicobar Forest Dragons |
Corytophanes, Helmeted Iguanas |
Crenodactylus, Clawless Gecko |
Crocodylus, crocodiles |
Crossobamon geckos |
Cryptactites geckos |
Cryptagama, Gravel Dragon |
Cryptoblepharus, Coral-Rag or Shinning Skinks |
Cryptobranchus allegianensis (Hellbender) |
Cunningham's Skinks, see Egernia cunninghami |
Cyclocorus, Triangular-Spotted Snakes |
Cyclodina skinks |
Cyclura, Rhinoceros Iguanas |
Cylindrophiidae, Cylinder Snakes |
Cylindrophis, Cylinder Snakes |
Cynops, Fire-Bellied Newts |
Cyrtopodion, Thin-Toed Geckos |
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