Added 15 June 2000
of the largest salamanders in the world, the Hellbender is a member of the Cryptobranchidae
that includes the two giant Asian salamanders (see next
page). Many find it somewhat repulsive to look at it, but it is an interesting
subject. Apart from its relatively large size (about 2ft), it also has fairly
demanding requirements: a large tank (refrigerated if possible - see Indiviglio),
very clean water (to aid in respiration) with powerful filtration, and low light
levels. Shelters are particularly important to the Hellbender, as they are to
its Asian relatives. Native populations of this fascinating animal are under
severe pressure due to their high sensitivity to pollution, so adopting one
should not be undertaken lightly and where possible breeding should be encouraged
- not an easy task. As a final caution, a thriving Hellbender can live up to
30 years in captivity.
large and completely aquatic and nocturnal salamander, the Mudpuppy is normally
about 13" long but has reached a record 17" on occasion. It is a flattened,
rather slimy creature with external gills (the size of which is related to the
amount of oxygen available) but also lungs, as evident by the fact that it will
sometimes rise to the surface to breathe. The eyes are extremely small while
the legs, although reasonably well-developed, do not assist in swimming. In
nature they spend much of their lives hiding under stones and logs and have
been found at depths of up to 90 ft. Indiviglio recommends large, well-filtrated
(because of their high level of waste) and well-aerated aquariums for these
creatures so that they can remain on the bottom without having to rise to the
surface, plus dim lighting only as they shy away from bright light. An ideal
diet could also be problematic, since the Mudpuppy seems very fond of freshwater
lobster (crayfish) as well as the usual amphibian fare.
larger amphiuma species are among the longest of amphibians and in some way
atypical, being both fast and aggressive. This combined with their size necessitates
a large tank and some care in dealing with them, as their bite is quite vicious
and deep. The tank should be secure as they are also renowned escape artists
and are especially active at night. They can live upwards of twenty years in
newts hail predominantly from China and North Vietnam (Patterson). They were
only described in 1935 and while popular with some hobbyists and collectors,
not much is known about them. Some, and I am thinking in particular of the Hong
Kong newt, Parmesotriton hongkongensis, have the reputation of being
difficult. This is an area where an advanced keeper could make useful contributions
to our knowledge, but they are definitely not for beginners.
Northern Red Salamander is one of the most beautiful salamanders, but also one
of the most demanding to set up in captivity. In the wild it is always found
near running water - never near stagnant water. Indiviglio insists that
the water used in their terrarium should be cool, clean and dechlorinated and
recommends bottled water, while Mattison strongly recommends the use of a pump
to recreate running water. Food items should also be small to match the size
of the salamander's mouth. Indiviglio states that if these requirements are
met fairly precisely then these attractive creatures prove fairly hardy.
previous page for remarks on the siren family and the dwarf siren. The Lesser
Siren (Siren intermedia and Greater Siren (Siren lacertina) constitute
the other two species of the family. Both have only forelimbs, the rear limbs
being absent. External gills are present, as are lungs. Sirens have no teeth
but instead a sharp edge around the mouth rather like that of a tortoise or
turtle: bites are apparently quite painful. In especially dry periods they can
aestivate, forming a cocoon around themselves by the technique of multiple shedding
and keeping the dead skin around them. Care is largely as for the dwarf siren,
but obviously a considerably larger tank is needed: the water still needs to
be kept fairly shallow and with a fair amount of plant cover. Indiviglio recommends
obtaining where possible the origin of any siren to be kept, since this will
enable the correct temperature gradient to be set up: the western subspecies
can apparently tolerate somewhat higher temperatures than the other two.