1 January 2000



Cyberlizard speaks!

ANOTHER NEW YEAR is upon us in the Cyberburrow, where we are having a bit of a spring clean and clearing space for the year ahead. After a nice relaxing week we are back on the Cyberlizard pages!

December saw a less usual bag of additions to the site, with a fair amount of information on the world's rodent species being added, as well as a complete list of crocodilian and bearspecies, some film reviews, a fairly important article on zoological classification and even an article for the Weightier Matters section. This month we want to concentrate on completing our more usual informational services, especially the Monitor pages, as well as getting a lot more work done on our Gecko pages (which admittedly will probably take some time). Also upcoming is work on a guide to the lizards of the Lacertidae family and to boas. An ongoing project is the European Herptile pages which although fairly comprehensive should be updated with some more information added to them over the next few weeks. In the long run (hopefully this year) I still want to compile a lot of the E-mails we have received into a sort of FAQ page, which hopefully will be of use to people with similar questions in the future. Other projects to watch out for this year are Quick Guides to scorpions (a group of maligned but sometimes dangerous creatures) and (believe it or not!) penguins, the latter group being popular birds but also under threat in some areas of the world.

Although this is primarily a website for reptiles and amphibians, we do like to add other stuff, albeit irregularly. There may be some more SASL material this year. I still have an Alternative History conference to write up, plus some more articles for the Weightier Matters page. The non-too-serious IT page (computers, software and hardware, and our experiences of working with some of them) will probably be added, but it's not going to be a high priority thing.

Thanks again to everyone who has sent us E-mails recently. If for any reason I haven't replied to you, please let us know and I will try to do so again.

Best wishes for 2001 from


Former Cyberlizardspeaks
(as if you cared)

December 2000
November 2000
October 2000
July 2000
May 2000 (II)
May 2000
May 1999

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