16 November 2000



Cyberlizard speaks!

AUTUMN gives way to winter and unseasonally heavy flooding here in the UK. Fortunately the Cyberburrow was not dug anywhere near a river in flat terrain and so we are able to carry on the work!

It has been a busy time with other things crowding on our attention, but nevertheless we have managed to squeeze in quite a bit. Firstly, herpetological issues. Our guide to the Rat Snakes (Elaphe species) is nearly complete after a brief hiatus, while work goes on on our Gecko and Monitor pages. I hope to get the monitors completed before Christmas, but to be honest the geckos will probably not be totally finished until some time in the New Year, as there are 700 species to look at. We have almost completed a guide to the world's crocodilian species but some important information (such as body lengths!) is still missing so we want to make sure the guide is full before adding it to the site. The European Herptile pages should have some more information added to them over the next few weeks, but again this is an ongoing project. I still want to compile a lot of the E-mails we have received into a sort of FAQ page, which hopefully will be of use to people with similar questions in the future.

We have added a bit more non-herp related stuff recently. Apart from reviews of a few books recently, we also added some more SASL material, which is one non-herp area we will probably keep updating. I also have an Alternative History conference to write up soon plus some films and other bits. Weightier stuff (such as Weightier Matters) is still on the back burner for the moment but is not forgotten. Thanks to everyone who has sent us E-mails recently.


Former Cyberlizardspeaks
(as if you cared)

October 2000
July 2000
May 2000 (II)
May 2000
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