3 December 2000
THE SEASON OF GOODWILL is upon us, a season of religious and spiritual significance to some, an excuse for a binge to others. We in the Cyberburrow take the first view but still like to enjoy ourselves. Perhaps a page in the Weightier Matters section is called for?
As we have had a large chunk of time to devote to this site, we have made a good bit of progress. Our guide to the Rat Snakes (Elaphe species) can now be considered complete, bar the insertion of scale counts for each species, and in the past fortnight we also found time to add an overview of the various Agamidae genera. Work is slowly continuing on on our Gecko, but we should now be able to get the Monitor pages finished by the New Year. The guide to the world's crocodilian species is almost ready to put on the site as well, and we have started work on a guide to the lizards of the Lacertidae family. The European Herptile pages should have some more information added to them over the next few weeks, but again this is an ongoing project. I still want to compile a lot of the E-mails we have received into a sort of FAQ page, which hopefully will be of use to people with similar questions in the future. In the longer term we also want to do another snake project, this time on the boas (Boinae) on the same liens as we did for the pythons, and I have been considering a Quick Guide to scorpions as these too are popular pets, although still behind the tarantulas.
As far as non-herp related stuff goes, we have also accumulated some book and film reviews and are adding a few more bands, although the band page isn't altogether serious - there's plenty of other stuff out there on your favourite groups, after all. There may be some more SASL material in the near future, but probably not this side of Christmas. I still have the Alternative History conference to write up, plus some more articles for the Weightier Matters page. One new addition I have been considering for some time, and which will be a first, is a non-too-serious IT page (yes, computers, software and all those other marvellous things that are shaping our lives in the new millennium). Having spent some years in the industry (sounds better than it is), it may be time to inflict a few nuggets of wisdom or fisherman's yarns on the unsuspecting reader. Let us know what you think.
Thanks again to everyone who has sent us E-mails recently. If for any reason I haven't replied to you, please let us know and I will try to do so again.
Seasonal greetings from
November 2000
October 2000
July 2000
May 2000 (II)
May 2000
May 1999