May 1st 1999
WELCOME to the Cyberlizard site, home of the Cyberlizard Reptile Pages and a host of other stuff, somehow vaguely related (amphibians, music, cult TV and some heavier items). First of all I want to thank everyone who's either signed the Guest Book or sent us an E-mail, either with comments or questions. It's been encouraging, not least to let us know that people are actually reading the pages we put on the Web.
Some people may notice that this site is not as graphical as a lot of others on the Net. This is partly because (candid confession) I keep meaning to find the flashlight for my camera and get my scanner working, but partly also because of the limitations on graphics. Graphics eat up a lot of space and memory, and not all Web browsers (yes, there are other browsers beside Netscape and Microsoft Explorer!) support graphics. Although we will be adding a little more graphical content, mainly pictures of reptiles and a few clickable icons, these pages are designed mainly with the idea of providing information and shared experiences on the animal front and in other areas hopefully raising a smile or provoking some thought. I've also found it frustrating when visiting large commercial sites with Carlos-Fandango-all-singing-all-dancing graphics and having to wait five minutes for each page to slowly load up, weighed down by the sheer amount of fancy art work and pretty but useless animation. Enough said!
Over the past few months we have had quite a few questions about reptile care or species, and one idea we had was to list all these questions with the answers we gave. Not that we claim to be experts, but we do have access to a large pool of information and other people who have been in the zoo or pet business longer than we have. So we'd value your feedback on the "questions-and-answers" list.
I am also painfully aware that some of the pages on this site are still incomplete, especially in Cult TV and Weightier Matters. We promise to try to rectify this, and to provide more links to relevant sites. Searching for these links on the vast expanses of the Web can in itself be a time-consuming business, so we ask for your patience. Alternatively, if you know of any links that would be good on any of these pages, please forward them to us and if you like we'll put your name in lights next to it!
Please have a browse through the site or search through what interests you, and please let us know whether you like it or not. Any and all constructive criticism is welcome in the CyberBurrow.