Last updated 14 December 2014: added Andy Gilles to the list.



This site would not be complete without a vote of thanks to all the people who have helped in many ways, with support, information or both. Some of them are already mentioned on pages scattered throughout the site, but here they all are anyway.

Werner Ackermann

for the generous gift of some reptile books and videos on his return from Kruger National Park, SA



Klaus Adolphs

for his proofing of our Gerrhosauridae pages and helpfulness in answering my queries



Dr Adam Britton

for answering some queries and crocodilian pointers



Chris Davies

for showing us his fine collection of European and other herps and allowing us to photograph them



Mary Down

for generously providing photographs from Bolivia

Andy Gilles

for L G Appleby's book on British snakes



Kay Mattison

for two fabulous books on the herpetology of her native New Zealand



Jessica Miller

for a great deal of help on taxonomic and other queries on amphibians (



Owen Proudfoot

for some helpful new material concerning Australia's wildlife laws, and comments on the article on the site pertaining thereto



Stella Quayle

for tireless pursuit of the welfare of all animals, but especially reptiles and amphibians



Kenneth and Jacqueline Ritter

for their loan of a digital camera for Rotterdam Zoo, and other non-quantifiable assistance



Sandra from the café and her family

for generously providing some photographs taken on Cuba



Timmy & Slim Shim of the Space Truckers

for their feedback and input



Mr E Smith

for photographs of lacertid lizards



Leah Smith

for some encouragement



Per Ole Syvertsen

for corrective information on the herpetofauna of Norway



Lucy Towbin

for the setting up and running of the Sudan Plated Lizards E-Group



Lesley Watkins

for taking some fantastic pictures of Gallotia gallotia on the island of LaPalma



Paul White

for the very fine gift of a monographic book on the Olm, Proteus anguineus, from Slovenia

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