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Formerly at and

Guestbook is currently down due to Lycos closing this facility.

Last updated 16 March 2025: substantially updated the Varanidae (Monitor Lizards) page.

A note on the thumbnail images on this site

Voice of the CyberBurrow - about these pages

Herpetology - Reptiles and Amphibians

Herpetological Index of Species Listed

The Furry and Non-Scaly Pets Page

More on Animals in general

Music Pages - Instruments, Bands, Links

R 'n' R - Games We Like To Play

Cyberlizard goes to the library, the cinema and the video shop - the Culture (sic) Page

The Prisoner vs The Clangers: Cult TV and other existentialist questions

Weightier Matters

Site History: recorded updates from 1 January 1999

Between December 1998 and December 2004 this site recorded over 70,000 hits at its old address.
You are the visitor to this website since 17 January 2005.

All comments, criticisms and suggestions gratefully received.
E-mail Cyberlizard at (replacing the full stop between the orgelechse and segments of the address with an @ - this is unfortunately a necessary anti-spamming procedure).

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COPYRIGHT: All material on this website copyright Cyberlizard (UK) unless otherwise stated. DISCLAIMER: All information on these pages is supplied "as is". All information, especially that pertaining to animals, is supplied in good faith, but we accept no responsibility for the use thereof. We stress again: if you have an animal with a problem, please seek veterinary advice immediately.