Added 26 April 2015.
Extremely rare skink, only two specimens being found between 1976 and 2000. The original habitat in which the two specimens were found has been turned into cultivated area, and the species is considered endangered, with Bauer & Sadlier listing its status as “Uncertain”.
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Distribution |
Size |
Notes |
Geoscincus |
G. haraldmeieri |
New Caledonia (Coula, approximately in the centre of the island) |
Avg SVL 11 cm |
Originally found in a fallen tree trunk in well-forested area. Scalation details: supranasals absent; last supralabial reduced and displaced posteriorly; no ear lobules present; body scales small, smooth, in 46-48 rows at midbody and 113-116 paravertebral scale rows. Coloration: overall grey to brown with fine white ventrolateral flecking; throat cream with fine brown flecks; ventrally grey-brown. Reproduction: no details available. [SOURCES: Bauer & Sadlier] |