Added 7 August 2004

The Scincidae


The genus Eurylepis is a small genus recently raised to incorporate two former Eumeces species plus a third which was later named. Not all authorities accept this genus, placing the three species in Eumeces instead

Lieb (1985) listed some of the scalation details of E. taeniolata and E. poonaensis as follows: median rows of dorsal scales conspicuously wider than adjacent scale rows: most of the enlarged median dorsal scales in a single row at midbody: two presuboculars posterior to second loreal. Unfortunately I do not have yet any comparable data for E. indothalensis so cannot say whether this is definitive for the genus Eurylepis. Some authorities regard this latter species as belonging to the Eumeces group.

E. indothalensis, Thal Skink E. poonaensis, Poona Skink E. taeniolata, Alpine Punjab/Yellow-Bellied Mole Skink

Scientific Name Common Name Distribution Size Notes
E. indothalensis Thal Skink Pakistan (Punjab) ?" No data currently available.
E. poonaensis Poona Skink India ?" Scalation details: see introduction.
E. taeniolatus Alpine Punjab Skink, Yellow-Bellied Mole Skink


Saudi Arabia, S Yemen, NE Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India (Kashmir), S Turkmenistan ?"


Scalation details: see introduction.



E. t. taeniolatus  
E. t. arabicus Arabia
E. t. parthianicus Turkmen-Khorassan


Systematics and Distribution of the Skinks Allied to Eumeces tetragrammus (Sauria: Scincidae), Carl S Lieb, Los Angeles Museum Contributions in Science, Number 357, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 1985.


Wildlife of Pakistan's Reptiles of Pakistan Checklist.

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