DR Inside Outside Inside Outside Inside Outside Inside Outside Inside Outside
2 20L AA *150 ART3 20L AA *150L ART3,15 20L AA *150L ART13 20L AA *150L ART [1-4]13,18,31
75/46 AA [5-6]13,18,31
20L AA 90L AA37,39
3 20L AA 150* ART4 20L AA 150* ART4,16 20L AA 150* ART14 20L AA 150* ART14,15 20L AA 75/18 ART [1-3]38,41
150* ART [4-6]40
4 65* INF1,31 100* ART5 65* INF1 100* ART5 65* INF 100* ART34 65* INF29 100* ART16,17 65* INF35 100* ART41
5 65* INF1 81* MTR6 65* INF1 81* MTR6,18 65* INF 81* MTR13 65* INF11 47 AT [1]19
20L AA [2]19
65* INF [3-6]19
65* INF36 47 AT42
6 65* INF 47 AT 65* INF 65* INF [<6]17
81* MTR [6]17
65* INF11 20L AA15 65* INF11 20L AA [<6]20
100* ART [6]20
65* INF 75/13 ART35
7 65* INF 65* INF 65* INF10 47 AT8 47 AT 47 AT 47 AT 47 AT21,22 65* INF 65* INF43
8 75/13 ART10 75/27 ART 75/13 ART10 20L AA [1-2]15
75/27 ART [3-6]15
75/13 ART10 65* INF12 47 AT 81* MTR [1-4]12,23
75/13 ART [5-6]12,23
47 AT 81* MTR36
9 47 AT8 20L AA1,8 47 AT8 20L AA1,8 47 AT 75/27 ART 47 AT 75/27 ART24,25 47 AT 75/27 ART
10 47 AT8 105 ART2 47 AT8 105 ART 47 AT 105 ART 47 AT 105 ART26,27 47 AT 105 ART44
11 47 AT2,8 75/46 AA 47 AT2,8 75/46 AA 47 AT 75/46 AA 47 AT29 75/46 AA28 65* INF 75/46 AA39,45
12 47 AT2 *150 ART9 47 AT2,8 *150 ART9,17 65* INF33 *150 ART16 20L AA *150 ART29,30 20L AA 90L AA46
1 70* INF if E Africa2 37L AT if N Africa 3150*ART if E Africa 475* ART (75/13) if E Africa
5If E Africa then dr: 1-3=65* INF, 4-6=70* INF 6If France or Balkans then sub. dr <4 = 75* ART (75/13) 7If France or Balkans then sub. dr <3 =81* MTR 865* INF if E Africa
9If N Africa 41 then 150* ART 10 If N Africa then 47 AT 11If N Africa >4/42 then 47 AT 12If Russia then 65* INF
13If not N Africa or Russia then 150* ART 14If Russia then dr 4-6=75* (75/13) ART 15If not N Africa or Russia then 105 ART 16If N Africa then sub. dr 4=81* MTR, 5-6=75* (75/18) ART
17If Russia then sub. dr >3=105 ART 18If N Africa then dr <3=75L AA (/46) 19If not N Africa then 20L AA 20If not N Africa then 81* MTR
21If N Africa then sub. dr <3=90L AA 22If not N Africa or Russia then 65* INF 23If not N Africa or Russia then 75/27 ART 24If N Africa then sub. dr 1=105 ART
25If not N Africa or Russia then 47 AT 26If Russia then 75L AA (/39) 27If not N Africa or Russia then 75/13 ART 28If Russia then 75 ART
29If Russia then 75/13 ART 30If not N Africa or Russian then 90L AA 31If N Africa 12/42+ then 81* MTR 32If not N Africa or Russia then dr 1-3=75/13 ART
33If N Africa then 20L AA 34If N Africa then dr<4=75* ART (/18) 35If 44-45 then 20L AA 36If 44-45 then 47 AT
37If Sicily 7-8/43 then 1-2=*150 ART 38If 9/43 vs Germans then 1-3=75 ART 39If 44-45 then 47 AT 40If 44-45 then 100* ART
41If 44-45 then 75* ART (75/13) 42If 44-45 then 65* INF 43If 44-45 then 81* MTR 44If 44-45 then 75* ART (75/18)
45If 44-45 then 105 ART 46If 44-45 then Allied Italians reroll else 1-4=75/46 AA, 5-6=150* ART FIn 45 this Table is for Fascist Italian use only: Allied Italians roll on their own Table CSee Italian Ordnance Note C. Any Gun listed therein as a Portee weapon within this period in North Africa automatically receives the Portee vehicle listed for it if the Random Event or Activation DR requires it to have Transport
CSee Italian Ordnance Note C. Any Gun listed therein as a Portee weapon within this period in North Africa automatically receives the Portee vehicle listed for it if the Random Event or Activation DR requires it to have Transport
I5a: AT GUN (5.76)
DR 1939-41C 42-9/43 10/43-45
2 75/46 AAN 75/46 AA3,4 90L AA9
3 47 AT1 75/46 AA3,8 47 AT10
4 47 AT1 47 AT3 47 AT10
5 47 AT2 47 AT 47 AT10
6 47 AT2 47 AT 47 AT10
7 47 AT 47 AT 47 AT10
8 47 AT 47 AT 47 AT10
9 47 AT 47 AT 47 AT10
10 47 AT 47 AT5 47 AT10
11 47 AT 47 AT5,6 47 AT10
12 75/46 AA8 47 AT7 47 AT10
137L AT if N Africa 3-5/41
237L AT if N Africa <3/41
3 75/39 AA if Russia 7/42-1/43
4 75/39 AA if Russia 2-3/43
5 75 ART if Russia 8-12/42
690L AA if >4/42 and NOT in Russia
7 75 ART if Russia 1-3/43 or Italy 9/43
8 47 AT if E Africa 7-11/41
9 Fascist Italian use only 44-45
10 Fascist Italian use only 45
I7: TRANSPORT (5.76)
DR 39-7/41 8/41-45F
2 Wagon1,5,C Wagon1,5
3 Autocarro L2 Autocarro L2
4 Autocarro L2 Autocarro L2
5 Autocarro M3 Autocarro M3
6 Wagon1,5,C Wagon1,5
7 Fiat 508 MC Fiat 508 MC
8 Wagon1,5,C Wagon1
9 Wagon1,5,C Autocarretta
10 Autocarro P4 Autocarro P4
11 Wagon1,5 Wagon1,5
12 Wagon1,5 Autocarro L2

1If the Transport to be selected is for 3-4-7 squad(s), a Cycle is received instead (Sidecar if 3-4-7 Possesses SW)
2If the Transport to be selected is for a Gun, a TL 37 is received instead.
3If the Transport to be selected is for a Gun, a TM 40 is received instead.
4If the Transport to be selected is for a Gun, a TP 32 is received instead.
5If the Transport to be selected is for 4-4-7 squad(s), an Autocarro L is received instead.
FIn 45 this Table is for Fascist Italian use only: Allied Italians roll on their own Table


These ordnance tables cover the Italian OB in SASL in both Europe (France '40 and Balkans 40-41 and those areas under Italian occupation, Russia 41-43, Sicily 7-8/43, the Italian resistance to German occupation in 9/43 and both Fascist and Allied Italian OBs in Italy, 44-45), and North Africa 40-43. [Allied Italian Table for '45 usage will be here soon]

Disclaimer: ASL and SASL are trademarks of Avalon Hill and Hasbro Inc. The creation of and use of this material should not be construed as a challenge to those copyrights. This material is for free distribution to those SASL aficionados who wish to use it in the absence of any official AH/Hasbro product to cover this area.

Copyright N R Smith, 1999

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