Added February 2013.

A look at the

Subfamily GEKKONINAE - "True" Geckos


Genus PHYLLODACTYLUS - Leaf-Toed Geckos

At one point this was a widespread genus, species being found in every continent and one member being the only native gekkonine lizard to be found in North America. However it was long suspected that the genus as it stood was artificial, and workers began to break off members into other genera based on shared characteristics and genetic analysis. Today Phyllodactylus still contains over 40 species but is confined to the New World, mostly to South America.

Few are seen in captivity.


P. angelensis

P. angustidigitus, Narrow Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. apricus, Las Animas Island Gecko

P. barringtonensis, Barrington Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. bauri, Baur's Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. bordai, Guerreran Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. bugastrolepis, Catalina Island Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. clinatus, Cerro Illescas Gecko

P. darwini, Darwin's Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. davisi, Davis' Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. delcampoi, Del Campo's Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. delsolari

P. dixoni, Dixon's Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. duellmani, Duellman's Pygmy Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. galapagensis

P. gerrhopygus, South American Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. gilberti, Gilbert's Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. heterurus, Tarapaca Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. homolepidurus, Sonoran Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. inaequalis, Peru Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. insularis, Belize Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. interandinus, Andes Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. johnwrighti, Rio Huancabamba Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. julieni, Aruba Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. kofordi, Coastal Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. lanei, Lane's Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. leei, Chatham Leaf-Toed Gecko

P. lepidopygus, Western Leaf-Toed Gecko

Scientific Name

Common Name




P. angelensis

Mexico (Baja California)



P. angustidigitus

Narrow Leaf-Toed Gecko


P. apricus

Las Animas Island Gecko

P. barringtonensis

Barrington Leaf-Toed Gecko

Galapagos Islands (Barrington Island)

P. bauri

Baur's Leaf-Toed Gecko

Galapagos Islands (Charles, Champion, Enderby, Hood)

P. b. bauri

P. b. gorii

P. bordai

Guerreran Leaf-Toed Gecko

Mexico (Guerrero, Oaxaca)

P. bugastrolepis

Catalina Island Leaf-Toed Gecko

Mexico (Baja California)

P. clinatus

Cerro Illescas Gecko


P. darwini

Darwin's Leaf-Toed Gecko

Galapagos Islands (Chatham)

P. davisi

Davis' Leaf-Toed Gecko

Mexico (Colima, Michoacan)

P. delcampoi

Del Campo's Leaf-Toed Gecko

Mexico (Guerrero)

P. delsolari


Described in 2008: see Reptile Database entry.

P. dixoni

Dixon's Leaf-Toed Gecko


P. duellmani

Duellman's Pygmy Leaf-Toed Gecko

Mexico (Michoacan)

P. galapagensis

Galapagos Leaf-Toed Gecko

Galapagos Islands

P. g. galapagensis

P. g. daphensis

P. g. maresi

P. gerrhopygus

South American Leaf-Toed Gecko

S Peru, N Chile

P. gilberti

Gilbert's Leaf-Toed Gecko

Galapagos Islands (Wenman Island)

P. heterurus

Tarapaca Leaf-Toed Gecko


P. homolepidurus

Sonoran Leaf-Toed Gecko

Mexico (S Sonora, San Pedro Nolasco Island)

P. h. homolepidurus

P. h. nolascoensis

P. inaequalis

Peru Leaf-Toed Gecko

NW Peru, N Chile

P. insularis

Belize Leaf-Toed Gecko


P. interandinus

Andes Leaf-Toed Gecko


P. johnwrighti

Rio Huancabamba Leaf-Toed Gecko


P. julieni

Aruba Leaf-Toed Gecko

Aruba, Leeward Islands

P. kofordi

Coastal Leaf-Toed Gecko


See Reptile Database entry on the confusion with P. reissi.

P. lanei

Lane's Leaf-Toed Gecko

Mexico (Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacan)

P. l. lanei

Mexico (Guerrero)

P. l. isabelae

P. l. lupitae

P. l. rupinus

Mexico (Jalisco, S Michoacan)

P. leei

Chatham Leaf-Toed Gecko

Galapagos Islands (Chatham)

P. lepidopygus

Western Leaf-Toed Gecko

W Peru

P. martini

Dutch Leaf-Toed Gecko

Leeward Islands (Curacao, Bonaire, Aruba, Puero Rico, Caja de Muertos)

P. microphyllus

Central Leaf-Toed Gecko


P. muralis

Oaxacan Leaf-Toed Gecko

Mexico (Oaxaca)

P. m. muralis

P. m. isthmus

P. nocticolus

Peninsula Leaf-Toed Gecko

USA (S California), Mexico (Baja California)

P. palmeus

Honduran Leaf-Toed Gecko

Honduras (Bay Islands)

P. papenfussi

Mexico (Guerrero)

P. partidus

Partida Norte Leaf-Toed Gecko

Mexico (Baja California, Isla Partida)

P. paucituberculatus

Rio Marquez Valley Gecko

Mexico (Michoacan)

P. pulcher

Barbados Leaf-Toed Gecko

Lesser Antilles (Barbados)

P. pumilus

Ecuador, poss. Peru

P. reissii

Peters' Leaf-Toed Gecko

Ecuador, Peru; Galapagos Islands (introduced)

P. rutteni

Venezuela Leaf-Toed Gecko


P. santacruzensis

Santa Cruz Leaf-Toed Gecko

Mexico (Isla Santa Cruz, Baja California)

P. sentosus

Lima Leaf-Toed Gecko


P. thompsoni


Described in 2008.

P. tinklei

Raza Island Leaf-Toed Gecko

Mexico (Isla La Raza, Baja California)

P. transversalis

Colombian Leaf-Toed Gecko

Colombia (Malpelo Island)

P. tuberculosus

Yellowbelly Gecko

Mexico (Guerrero, Michoacan, Yucatán), Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Galapagos Islands

P. t. tuberculosus

P. t. ingeri


Found in the coastal region.

P. t. magnus

Mexico (Michoacan, Guerrero, Puebla, Oaxaca, Chiapas), Guatemala

P. t. saxatilis

Mexico (Sonora, Chihuahua, Sinoloa, Durango, Nayarit, Jalisco)

P. unctus

San Lucan Gecko

Mexico (Baja California, Michoacan)

P. ventralis

Margarita Leaf-Toed Gecko

N Colombia, Venezuela, Windward Isles (Grenada)

P. wirshingi

Puerto Rican Leaf-Toed Gecko

Dominican Republic, Haiti, Antilles (Puerto Rico, Caja de Muertos)

P. w. wirshingi

Puerto Rico, Caja de Muertos

P. w. hispaniolae

Dominican Republic

P. w. sommeri

NW Haiti

P. xanti


S. & Baja California


Rock-dwelling species found in desert areas of the above regions. This is the only member of the Gekkoninae found in the US.


The information above was culled from a number of sources, including Mattison:

Lizards of the World, Mattison

Keeping and Breeding Lizards, Mattison

Geckos: Keeping and Breeding Them in Captivity, Walls and Walls, TFH 1999.

Coming soon.... the other gecko genera.

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