Added 13 February 2014.

A Look at the Family Anomalepididae


South American Blind Snakes


Boulenger gives the following characteristics for the genus: head with large scales; pair of large prefrontals and a frontal; nostril between two nasals.

Scientific Name

Common Name





H. flavoterminatus

Yellowtail Blind Snake

N Colombia, NW Venezuela

TL 30cm

Scalation details: rostral not half width of head, not extending to level of the eyes, separated from frontal by prefrontals, the latter forming a suture with each other; frontal broad; 2 superposed preoculars and 1 subocular; 4 supralabials of which 1st largest, 3rd in contact with ocular. Scalation count: midbody 24. Other: eye visible beneath ocular. Coloration: brown, each scale darker in centre; head and tail yellow [SOURCE: Boulenger]. 

H. frontalis

Costa Rica Blind Snake

Costa Rica, Panama

TL 15cm

Scalation details: rostral not half width of head, not extending to level of the eyes, separated from frontal by prefrontals, the latter forming a suture with each other; frontal broad; 1 preocular and 2 suboculars; 4 supralabials of which 1st largest; ocular very small. Scalation count: midbody 22. Other: eye visible beneath ocular. Coloration: dark brown; head and anal region whitish [SOURCE: Boulenger]. 

H. praeocularis

Preocular Blind Snake


TL 21cm

Scalation details: 1 supraocular between ocular and frontal; 1 preocular forming rear border of prefrontal between frontal and upper nasal; 4 supralabials, of which 3rd in contact with ocular; according to Dunn, some specimens may have smooth head scales, others tubercles on the frontal or on all upper head scales; 2 enlarged preanal scales. Scalation count: 20 scale rows at midbody. Coloration: uniform dark with head and nape light and some light at or near tip of tail; [SOURCE: Dunn, Peters & Donso-Barros].
