L9: Polish Random Event Table (2.) 

*01-02 Engineer platoon arrives! Three Assault Engineer (H1.22) Elite squads, equipped with SMC/SW as per standard DYO procedure (H1.8-.83), arrive. On a dr of £2, each squad may enter on a Truck (as per a DR on {L7}); otherwise the units enter as Infantry. Each squad receives one DC: a FT is also allocated to the platoon.

*03 Engineer platoon flank attack! As per Polish RE 02 except the units must enter on either the north or south (per Random dr) edge of any mapboard (player's choice), provided that map-board has at least one Polish unit on it.

*04 Each ENEMY dr on the Fortification Generation Table {A5} has a +2 drm for the duration of the Mission.

05 Sappers arrive! A number {A6a} of Sapper (H1.23) squads are received. Make a DR {U3} for leader possibility.  Each sapper squad automatically receives one DC.

*06 Air support! Polish Fighter-Bombers arrive during the next ENEMY MPh. Make a dr {A6f} to determine the number available; all are automatically armed with bombs (ignore E7.1-.21). Reroll for another RE if conditions prohibit this RE.

*11 Recon section arrives! A number {A6g} of recon vehicles are received: make a DR on Table L6b for each such vehicle received.

12 Motorised infantry reinforcements! Make two dr {A6b} for the number of squads received, and a DR for the type {L2}. All squads are the same type. SW/SMC are allocated as per H1.8-.83. Each squad may enter as a Passenger on a Medium Truck (if insufficient Medium Trucks are available, use Light Trucks; Heavy Trucks).

13 Cavalry reinforcements arrive! Make a DR for the number of 4-5-8 squads received, and for the type {L2}. SW/SMC are allocated per H1.8-.83. Each squad must enter as a Rider on an appropriate-sized Horse counter.

14 A peasant with useful information is encountered. The player may immediately remove a number (as per a dr) of S? that are within LOS of any one unbroken Polish Infantry unit. No "free" LOS checks are allowed before removal.

15 ENEMY resistance is fading. The player may immediately remove a number of S? (as per a DR). A S? in a VPO Location may only be removed if no other non-VPO-Location S? are present. If no S? are currently onboard, reroll for another RE.

16 SW section arrives. Make a dr for each SW listed below:

     Lt. Mtr:     number received per dr {A6d}(roll for type: all are the same)
     MMG:     number received per dr {A6h}
     HMG:     one is received on a dr £2
     .50 cal.     one is received on a dr £1

Each SW comes with a HS {L2, with a -2 DRM: all are the same type).

*21 Cavalry patrol arrives! Determine the number {A6a} of 4-5-8 squads received. Each squad comes with a squad-sized Horse counter.

*22 Recce units arrive! Determine the number {A6f}, type {L6b} (make a separate DR for each), and armor leader {L3}. On a subsequent dr of £2 each vehicle of the RE may enter on the north (or south, as per a random dr) edge of any mapboard (player's choice) provided that mapboard has at least one Polish unit on it.

23 Tanks! Determine the number {A6c}, type {L6} and armor leader {L3}; all are the same type.

*24 ENEMY ammunition supplies dwindling! The ENEMY suffers from the effects of Ammunition Shortage (A19.131) for the duration of the Mission.

*25 Gun section arrives! Determine the number {A6f}and type {L5} (use the "Outside" column; all are the same type). Each Gun is crewed by one 2-2-8. At the player's option each such reinforcement Gun may be Manhandled or Towed onboard. If Towed, make a DR {L7} to determine the Transport type (reroll, if necessary, until a vehicle is determined that is able to tow the Gun type).

26 Mobile AA units arrive! Determine the number {A6f}, type {L6a} and armour leader {L3}. All are the same type. On a subsequent dr of £4 each unit must enter anywhere along the north or south edge (as per a Random dr) of the current mapboard configuration (all enter on the same edge).

*31-33 Request for artillery support has been granted! Determine OBA type received by a DR {L8a} . Next make a dr {L8} to determine the ammunition supply. The player may immediately give one Polish radio to any Polish leader of this choice [EXC: if the ENEMY is in Advance Attitude the player may instead choose a Field Phone, recording a Security Area as necessary] or an 8-0 leader with a radio enters along the FBE mounted on a motorcycle, on an SMC-sized Horse counter or on foot: player's option.

34-36 Infantry reinforcements! Make two dr {A6b} to determine the number of squads received. Determine the squad type (all are the same) by a DR {L2}. Determine SMC/SW using H1.8-.183.

*41 ENEMY AFV is Recalled! Determine the AFV affected by a Random dr (for purposes of this RE an AFV platoon counts as a single AFV) and immediately mark such as Recalled (D5.341). If there is currently no Mobile ENEMY AFV onboard reroll for another RE.

*42 ENEMY AFV is Immobilized! Determine the AFV affected by a Random dr, and immediately mark such as Immobilized (D8.1). Immobilization TC is not required. If there is currently no Mobile ENEMY AFV onboard reroll for another RE.

43 ENEMY resistance slackens! The ENEMY AC# decreases by one [EXC: if AC# is already 2 conduct Polish RE 15 instead].

44 Make a subsequent dr and perform the indicated RE:

       dr £3:   ENEMY RE Numbers decrease by one (2.4) [EXC: if ENEMY RE Numbers are currently 2/3 conduct RE 43 instead].

       dr ³4:   Rumors of Polish reinforcements on the way. Polish RE Numbers increase by one (2.4) [EXC: if Polish RE Numbers are currently 6/7 reroll for another RE].

45 Polish leader turns heroic (A15.21)! Determine the affected leader by Random dr among all currently non-Captured, non-Disrupted, non-Heroic on-board non-armor Polish leaders. If no Polish leader is eligible reroll for a different RE.

46 Polish sniper finds a target! Make a subsequent dr to determine the attack type; perform the attack as the first action of the upcoming PFPh:

       dr of <=3: conduct a "1" sniper attack (A14.3) 
       dr of =>4: conduct a "2" sniper attack (A14.3) 

*51 Infantry stage a flank attack! Determine the number of squads by a DR. Determine the squad type by a DR {L2}: all are the same type. Determine all SMC/SW using H1.8-.183. Then make a Random dr to determine the edge of entry (north or south). All must enter along the same edge.

*52 Tanks stage a flank attack! Determine the number {A6f}, type {L6} and armor leader {L3}. All are the same type. Then make a Random dr to determine the edge of entry (north or south). All must enter anywhere along the same edge.

*53 Polish combined-arms flank attack! Conduct Polish REs 51 and 52 [EXC: use Table A6e to determine the number of AFV received]. All units must enter along the same edge.

*54 Medium "tube" section arrives. Make a dr {A6d} to determine the number of dm 81mm MTRs received, each of which comes with a 2-2-8 crew. On a subsequent dr of £2 the mortar section is equipped with transport. If so, make a DR {L7} to determine the type. All are the same type; only enough vehicles are received to carry these RE units/weapons. Transport can be refused if desired.

*55 FRIENDLY airstrike! Determine the type, presence of bombs and numbering entering as per E7.21. Each aircraft is eligible to enter in the next ENEMY MPh. Reroll for another RE if current conditions prohibit air support.

*56 AT Gun section arrives! Determine the number {A6e} and type {L5a} (all are the same type). Each Gun is crewed by one 2-2-8. At the player's option each such reinforcing Gun may be Manhandled or Towed onboard. Determine the towing vehicle type {L7} (reroll, if necessary, until a vehicle is determined that is able to tow the Gun type; all such vehicles are the same type).

*61 Artillery support granted! Conduct Polish RE 31-33 (even if it has previously occurred).

62 Fanatics! One Polish SMC (determined by Random dr) immediately turns Fanatic (A10.8). Additionally, each eligible Polish Infantry unit in his location that passes a NTC also turns Fanatic (leadership DRM applies as per A15.41). If no Polish SMC is eligible reroll for a different RE.

63 Long live Poland! All non-Disrupted broken Polish MMC in the same Location as an unbroken Polish leader automatically rally. Reroll for a different RE if no MMC are eligible to thusly rally.

64 Tanks! Determine the number {A6f}, type(s) {L6} and armor leader {L3}. Perform a separate DR {L6} for each AFV received.

65-66 Hero! A Hero is immediately created from the Polish MMC closest to an ENEMY unbroken/vehicular unit. If no such ENEMY unit is onboard reroll for a different RE.

*71-72 AT Gun section arrives. Conduct Polish RE 56 [EXC: use Table A6f to determine the number of Guns received].

*73 Gun section arrives! Determine the number {A6d} and type {L5} (use the "Outside" column; all are the same type). Each Gun is crewed by one 2-2-8. At the player's option each such reinforcement Gun may be Manhandled or Towed onboard. If Towed, make a DR {L7} to determine the Transport type (reroll, if necessary, until a vehicle is determined that is able to tow the Gun type).

*74 ENEMY attack called off! The Attitude of all ENEMY units immediately changes to Hold [EXC: if Polish RE 75-76 has already occurred conduct Polish RE 46 instead]. All DR on Table A1 now have a +1 DRM; all previous negative DRM applicable on this table are cancelled. Additionally, decrease each ENEMY RE# by one.

*75-76 Evacuate!  Battalion HQ has ordered your command to evacuate their positions, pulling back toward Polish lines [EXC: if Polish RE 74 has already occurred reroll for a different RE]. Decrease each Polish RE# by one. The Polish side receives Exit VP for each unit exited off the FBE by Mission end. The ENEMY receives Casualty VP for each Encircled Polish unit remaining onboard at Mission end; double Casualty VP if Polish unit is Captured/Non-Mobile. Otherwise, the Mission-specific VP schedule still applies. The Mission ends automatically in five Game Turns (counting the current Game Turn as the first of those five turns), or when the last Mobile Polish unit exits the board (whichever occurs first). Ignore the Mission End method given in the Mission being played.

NOTES: This was a fairly easy RE table to create, based on the official German one. There are no TDs for the Pole, so AT guns have been used instead. The only SPGs available are the very rare SPAA vehicles, so their use is restricted to RE 16.

To reflect the Polish Army's emphasis on cavalry, there are a couple of Cavalry REs here, and all Cavalry squads are automatically elite. This may also go some way to compensating for the lower availability of Polish armour.

Copyright: N R Smith 2000. SASL is a registered trademark of Avalon Hill/Hasbro Ltd.

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