Added 15 June 2000
The following is a list of books which deal with all newts or salamanders, or with a whole family (eg Varanidae). Compared with frogs and toads, or even lizards, snakes and chelonians (and there are about 100 fewer chelonian species than there are caudate species), there is not a great deal in print dedicated to newts and salamanders. Books that deal with a group of or individual tailed amphibians are included under the appropriate sub-section (see Newt and Salamander Guide on the previous pages). General amphibian books are dealt with under the appropriate section.
An excellent introduction to the subject of the care and husbandry of newts and salamanders, giving a general natural history, general requirements in captivity and finally a very wide selection of popular species accounts (including Sirens, Amphiumas and the Hellbender) and their needs. The author also notes the importance of caudates as a sort of environmental barometer in the wild and encourages the reader to think ethically and ecologically. Although I had never heard of Frank Indiviglio before he writes well and succinctly. I absolutely recommend this book.
This is a slim but useful volume for anyone wanting to keep newts rather than salamanders, with the important exception of the popular Fire Salamander, Salamandra salamandra, on which there is a handy section at the end. The book contains a brief history of the genera Cynops, Triturus, Tylototriton, Taricha, Parmesotriton, Pleurodeles and Notopthalmus, followed by generalised notes on care topics such as feeding, housing and breeding.