First of all, let me say that I think lizards are beautiful creatures. That is why you should consider carefully the following before rushing down to the pet store with your money:

Do you have any idea which lizard you would like to buy?

If the answer to the above is no, a good idea would be to get a book out of the library. When my wife first fell in love with a pair of leopard geckos, that's what I did. Apart from hooking me on lizard keeping, the books I borrowed showed what was available, and at what level of cost and difficulty. Most such books are also well endowed with pictures, and as many lizards are display animals more than companion pets, you can see what takes your fancy.

When thinking about the sort of lizard you want to purchase, you will need to consider the next lot of questions:

And, most importantly..

If the answer to all of the above is yes, then it is still a good idea to trot down to the library and do a bit of research. Alternatively there are often books available from pet shops on the lizard you are interested in. Having listed all the potential pitfalls, I should also list the advantages of lizards over some over pets:

Of course there is always the exception to the rule, which is why you should find out as much about your projected pet as possible. Otherwise you might end up laying awake at night to the chuckling and calling of a tokay gecko, or wondering how iguanas manage to leave such holes so high up in your curtains.

In the following section I would like to consider some lizards that are commonly seen for sale, and give my opinion on the level of difficulty of keeping them. Those which I have direct experience of will be marked. All the others I have either read up on to a good degree or spoken to some of their owners.

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