Added 10 October 2001. Completely updated 30 January 2005: gave genus its own page.

A look at the Family Lacertidae


Sand Lizards


This genus is characterised as follows: cylindrical body and long tail: subocular contacts lip: lower eyelid scaly or with transparent window: definite collar: dorsal scales usually small, smooth and not overlapping: keeled lamellae between toes: femoral pores.

Scientific Name Common Name Distribution Size Notes
P. benguellensis Angolan Sand Lizard SW Angola, N Namibia 8-12" ?
P. breviceps Short-Headed Sand Lizard NW Namibia 8-12" ?
P. burchelli Burchell's Sand Lizard SE S Africa, Lesotho 8-12" ?
P. gaerdesi Kaokoveld Sand Lizard NW Nambia 8-12" ?
P. husabensis Husab Sand Lizard Namibia 8-12" This species was first described in 1989: see EMBL database entry. Sympatric with P. undata but more predatory, feeding on small lizards. Found primarily in the central Namib desert.
P. inornata Plain Sand Lizard S. France, Iberia; NW African coast 8-12" ?
P. laticeps Cape Sand Lizard S. France, Iberia; NW African coast 8-12" ?
P. lineoocellata Spotted Sand Lizard SW Namibia, Botswana, N South Africa (not the east or SW Cape province) 8-12" There are three subspecies: P. l. lineoocellata, P. l. inocellata and P. l. pulchella.
P. namaquensis Spotted Sand Lizard S Angola, Namibia, Botswana, W South Africa 8-12" For a while considered part of the Eremias genus.
P. rubens Waterberg Sand Lizard Namibia (Great and Little Waterberg) 8-12" ?
P. undata Western Sand Lizard N & C Namibia, S Angola, S Namibia, S Africa (NW Cape province) 8-12" There are two subspecies, the nominate and P. u. inornata (considered by some to be a full species: see above).


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