This page of links to invertebrate-orientated sites is by no means exclusive, but we hope to keep updating it as we encounter fresh sites worthy of a visit (better, repeated visits!).
British Tarantula Society - very nice website. Members have fuller access, but there is still plenty on the site for non-members, including a page of comprehensive links to related sites.
David Blades is a breeder with a very professional and concise page.
Gary Drew's European Scorpion site is what is says, ie dedicated mainly to the European species of scorpion, but gives advice (and sensible cautions!) on the subject of keeping scorpions in general. Well worth a visit.
The Scorpion Files are run by Norwegian zoology Masters graduate Jan Ove Rein. Some pages are still under construction, but I think this site will be excellent when completed.
Benjamin Gantabein is another zoologist and maintains the Scorpions from Europe website.
One of the best guides I have found to these often neglected invertebrates is Scott's Hermit Crab Page.
Another excellent site is The Crabarium.
Australian site Aquarium Online has a brief and concise introduction.
Another Australian site, Wormborough Aquarium Plant Nursery, has a similar article, plus a diagram of a Land Hermit Crab vivarium setup.
Florida Marine Research have a good biological facts page on the crabs, as well as offering shells [disclaimer: we cannot vouch for the quality or otherwise of this product: this fact is just included here for information and a pointer to the sort of thing a potential owner will need to consider!] and other items for the husbandry of the animals.
Jackie and Randy are two brothers who have produced a surprisingly good page with links to other sites.
Index of Magazine Articles on Invertebrates - an index of articles on various invertebrate species taken from herpetological magazines over the past few years. Please note that this index will be added to fairly constantly and many articles are still to be indexed, so if you don't see what you want, come back again over the next few weeks! Keep coming back for more links as we find and add more sites.