Added 6 June 2021.
The following is a guide to articles related to the keeping of venomous animals that have appeared within herpetological magazines within the last few years. It is an ongoing project, ie I am effectively cataloguing these entries myself from the actual magazines, some of which are harder to get hold of than others (especially when they are no longer being published!). The articles listed here are of a general nature covering, eg, laws or precautions. For species-specific accounts (eg on rattlesnake species, look under the relevant species in the appropriate listing on the other pages in this section).
I should stress that this page is here for information and is intended neither to promote nor to condemn the keeping of venomous animals.
Gifte, Gifttiere, Menschen –
eine Geschichte voller (Miss)Verständnisse [Venoms, venomous
animals, people – a story full of (mis)understanding) D 51 Markus Monzel Eine Terrarienanlage für
Giftschlangen [A terrarium setup for venomous snakes]
51 Roger Aeberhard
Haltung und Handel
„exotischer” Tiere als Gegenstand des Polizei- und
Ordnungsrechts [The keeping and trading of “exotic”
animals as an object of police- and public order law] D
51 Tade Matthias
Spranger Die Geschichte der
Schlangenfarm des Tierparks Berlin [The history of the Berlin Zoo
snake farm]
51 Dr Falk Dathe
Die Wirkung von
Schlangengiften auf die Blutgerinnung und ihre Nutzung in der
medizinischen Therapie und Diagnostik [The effect of snake venoms
on blood clotting and its use in medical treatment and
diagnostics] D
51 Sven Zeeb
nach Schlangenbiss von Grubenottern – Diskussion der Effekte
anhand eines Fallberichtes [Defibrinogenation syndrome after
snakebite by pit vipers – discussion of the effects based on
a case report] D
51 Carl-Erik Dempfle
Zur Geschichte des Serum-Depot
Berlin/Europe e. V. [On the history of the Berlin/Europe e. V.
serum depot] D
51 Dieter Preißler
und Dieter Schmidt