Added 6 August 2006. Last updated 27 February 2011 with articles from PRK 20 and Sauria 1990:2.

Periodical Index - Other Invertebrates

A guide to non-arachnid, non-insect invertebrate articles appearing in herpetogical periodicals over the past few years

The following is a guide to invertebrate-related articles dealing with species other than arachnids or insects that have appeared within herpetological magazines within the last few years. It includes centipedes, millipedes, crustaceans and molluscs. This is an ongoing project, ie I am effectively cataloguing these entries myself from the actual magazines, some of which are harder to get hold of than others (especially when they are no longer being published!). I hope however that some people will find it useful, especially if researching a single species or looking for some care guidance.

Not all invertebrates listed here would be considered pets. The dog tapeworm, for example, is listed because of its significance as a transportee of the true dog flea in an article on the significance of insects.


Species Article Magazine Issue Author
Achatina, Giant African Land Snails Achatschnecken  nicht nur ein außergewöhnliches Futtertier [Agate Snails - not merely an unusual feeder animal][NB this article may deal with the genera Cionellidae or Cochlicopidae as well as or instead of Achatina, but this is unlikely] D 28 Uwe Geissel
Die Achatschnecke, ein immer zur Verfügung stehendes Futter, nicht nur für Skinke [The Giant African Land Snail, a food always readily available and not only for skinks] SA 1990:2 H Kantz
Archispirostreptus gigas, Giant Train Millipede Giant millipedes - something doesn't add up! PRK 5 Alan Richards
Aulacobulus rubropunctatus, Vietnamese Rainbow Millipede Giant millipedes - something doesn't add up! PRK 5 Alan Richards
Birgus latro, Coconut Crabs

The Invertebrate Corner: Land Hermit Crabs RH 4:2 Jerry G Walls
Create your own hermit haven! PRK 3 Alan Richards
Coenobita spp, Land Hermit Crabs

The Invertebrate Corner: Land Hermit Crabs RH 4:2 Jerry G Walls
Der Landeinsiederlkrebs [The Land Hermit Crab] D 9 Harry Wölfel
Create your own hermit haven! PRK 3 Alan Richards
Coenobita brevimanus The Invertebrate Corner: Land Hermit Crabs RH 4:2 Jerry G Walls
Coenobita cavipes The Invertebrate Corner: Land Hermit Crabs RH 4:2 Jerry G Walls
Coenobita clypeatus, Caribbean Land Hermit

The Invertebrate Corner: Land Hermit Crabs RH 4:2 Jerry G Walls
Create your own hermit haven! PRK 3 Alan Richards
Coenobita compressus The Invertebrate Corner: Land Hermit Crabs RH 4:2 Jerry G Walls
Coenobita rugosus, Crying Land Hermit The Invertebrate Corner: Land Hermit Crabs RH 4:2 Jerry G Walls
Crayfish R 15 Chris Lukhaup
Dipylidium caninum, Dog Tapeworm Nature's Secret Army PRK 20 David C Wareham
Giant Millipedes Giant millipedes - something doesn't add up! PRK 5 Alan Richards
Julid Millipedes Exotische Schnurfüßer im Terrarium [Exotic Julid Millipedes in the terrarium] D 9 Timm Adam
Scolocryptops sexspinosa, Garden Centipede Captive Care of ~ R&AH 6:5 Lenny Flank Jr
Scolopendra gigantea, Peruvian Giant Centipede[aka S. viridicornis, S. crudelis, Peruvian Orange-Leg Centipede or Peruvian Yellow-Leg Centipede] Captive Care of ~ R&AH 6:5 Lenny Flank Jr
Scolopendra subspinipes, Vietnamese Giant Centipede Captive Care of ~ R&AH 6:5 Lenny Flank Jr
Scolopendramorpha, Tropical Centipedes Captive Care of ~ R&AH 6:5 Lenny Flank Jr
Scolopendra heros heros, Bluetailed Centipede Captive Care of ~ R&AH 6:5 Lenny Flank Jr
Scolopendra heros arizonensis, Arizona Centipede Captive Care of ~ R&AH 6:5 Lenny Flank Jr
Scolopendra heros castaniceps, Redheaded Centipede Captive Care of ~ R&AH 6:5 Lenny Flank Jr
South African Rainbow Centipede [passim] Captive Care of ~ R&AH 6:5 Lenny Flank Jr
Sphaerotium, Madagascan Pill Millipedes An Approach to Acclimating ~s IR 6:7 Kevin Wright DVM
Vietnamese Purple Centipede [passim] Captive Care of ~ R&AH 6:5 Lenny Flank Jr
West Indies Orange Centipede [passim] Captive Care of ~ R&AH 6:5 Lenny Flank Jr
General Articles Magazine Issue Author

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