Hemitheconyx caudinctus, African Fat-Tailed Gecko | Hemitheconyx taylori, Taylor's Fat-Tailed Gecko |
Scientific Name | Common Name | Distribution | Size | Notes |
Hemitheconyx | ||||
H. caudicinctus | (African) Fat-Tail(ed) Gecko | West Africa |
Second in popularity after the Leopard. Care very similar but requires slightly more humidity. More captive-bred specimens are now becoming available. See also Fat-Tailed Geckos.
H. taylori | Taylor's Fat-Tail(ed) Gecko | East Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia). |
This gecko is rarely seen and little is known of its requirements. Click here for the EMBL database entry and links to pictures.
Lizards of the World, Chris Mattison
Keeping and Breeding Lizards, Chris Mattison
The Leopard Gecko Manual, P. deVosjoli et al, Herpetocultural Library 1998. Covers Fat-Tails and the other eublepharid geckos. The older version is also good but only covers the Leopards and Fat-Tails.
Leopard Geckos: Identification, Care and Breeding, R. Hunziker, TFH 1994. Not as detailed as the above but still quite good and again covers most of the other eublepharids.
Geckos: A Complete Pet Owner's Manual, Bartlett and Bartlett, Barrons 1995.
Geckos: Keeping and Breeding Them in Captivity, Walls and Walls, TFH 1999.
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