Last updated 12 June 2002: removed Diplodactylus to separate page and corrected navigation.

A look at the

Subfamily DIPLODACTYLINAE - Diplodactyline Geckos: The Diplodactylids


Genus Lucasium - Beaded Geckos

Genus Heteronotia- Velvet Geckos

Genus Underwoodisaurus - Thick-Tailed Geckos


Genus LUCASIUM - Beaded Geckos

This monotypic genus is no longer recognised by most authorities: Kluge proposed its reclassification as part of the Diplodactylus genus in 1967.

Scientific name Common name Place of origin Size (max) Notes
L. damaeum Beaded Gecko Australia (NSW,NT,Qld,SA,Vic,WA) ? Little data available: apparently prefers drier interior. See EMBL database entry for Diplodactylus damaeum.

Genus HETERONOTIA - ? Geckos

A genus of three closely related species.

Scientific name Common name Place of origin Size (max) Notes
H. binoei
Picture of H. binoei courtesy of Vivarium Herpetoculture.   Click on the picture to access a larger image.
Bynoe's/Prickly Gecko Australia (New South Wales, North Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, West Australia) ?" Found in less humid parts of the continent. Parthenogenetic. See EMBL database entry.
H. planiceps   Australia (NW, plus SE Pilbara) 7"? Species classified in 1989: see EMBL database entry.
H. spelea ? Australia ? Arboreal.


Genus UNDERWOODISAURUS - Leaf-Tailed Geckos

A small genus (two species) of geckos rarely seen outside their native habitat.

Scientific name Common name Place of origin Size (max) Notes
U. mili
Picture of U. mili courtesy of Vivarium Herpetoculture.   Click on the picture to access a larger image.
Thick-Tailed Gecko S Australia (not SE coast or Tasmania) 5"  
U. sphyrur ? Australia (New South Wales and Queensland) ? Similar to the above but occasionally found among rocks or in caves.


The information above was culled from a number of sources, including Mattison. The Gekko-specific books are as follows:

Lizards of the World, Mattison

Breeding and Keeping Geckos, Coborn, TFH 1995 - a particularly valuable book for lesser known geckos, especially the Diplodactylines.

Keeping and Breeding Lizards, Mattison

Geckos: Keeping and Breeding Them in Captivity, Walls and Walls, TFH 1999.


Reptiles of the Townsville Region has some good pictures of various of the above geckos.


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