Added 5 January 2025.

Advenus: Mountain Forest Galliwasp



Advenus is a monotypic genus consisting of one species formerly assigned to Diploglossus. The range of this species is very restricted as far as is known.

The Reptile database entry has full details of the genus.


A. montisilvestris , Mountain Forest Galliwasp

Scientific Name

Common Name





A. montisilvestris

Mountain Forest Galliwasp

E Panama

Found in cloud forest on an isolated mountain ridge. Scalation details: single large prefrontal, no separate frontonasal; nasal not in contact with rostral; nostril situated near middle of nasal; single postnasal; supralabials 10-11, infralabials 9, of which 1st 2 touch postmental. dorsal scales striated and lack distinct median keel. Coloration: dorsum brown with darker crosslines, flanks indistinctly mottled, venter yellow-green (turning grey in preservative). Reproduction: no data yet available [SOURCES: Myers, Villa and Occhipinti].


"Anguid Lizards of the Genus Diploglossus in Panama, with the Description of a New Species", Charles W Myers, American Museum Novitates Number 2523, June 19 1973. Describes A. montisilvestris as well as defining D. bilobatus and D. monotropis.

“Diploglossus montisilvestris MYERS”, J D Villa and N A Occhipinti, Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 444, 1988.

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