Added 30 December 2004. Last updated 20 February 2007: updated scalation details for A. anguliceps (both subspecies) and A. compressus, and Bibliography.




A small genus located around Yemen and Somalia. One of the distinguishing characteristics of Agamodon species is the head, which Gans and Panchit themselves described as "bizarre" in 1965. The animals do possess very small eyes.

Details of scalation are taken from the publications listed in the Bibliography. I do not know if these have since been revised: however, the situation in Somalia in recent years has made potential surveys extremely risky.

Species Common Name Distribution Size Notes
A. anguliceps Angled Worm Lizard 







Cephalic shields plane: see subspecies entries for further details.
A. a. anguliceps Body not noticeably compressed, subtriangular in cross-section, tail slightly shorter. Scalation: 4 supralabials, 3 infralabials; cephalic shields plane; 124-138 bodily annuli; 10-16 caudal annuli; 42-55 segments to a midbody annulus; 0-6 precloacals. Coloration: dorsal pattern of brownish blotches usually present. Reproduction: no data available.
A. a. immaculatus Body slightly compressed, tail slightly longer. Scalation: 4 supralabials, 3 infralabials; cephalic shields plane; 124-138 bodily annuli; 10-17 caudal annuli; 38-45 segments to a midbody annulus; 0-6 precloacals. Coloration: dorsal pattern of brownish blotches usually present. Reproduction: no data available.
A. arabicus Arabian Worm Lizard Yemen   Body slightly compressed. Scalation: cephalic shields plane; 161 bodily annuli; 18 caudal annuli; 55 segments to a midbody annulus; 2 precloacals. Coloration: ??. Reproduction: no data available. 
A. compressus Flat Worm Lizard  Somalia   Body markedly compressed, sides parallel, midventral groove present but not always apparent. Scalation: 3 supralabials, 3 infralabials; cephalic shields strongly upturned at edges; 161 bodily annuli; 22-24 caudal annuli; 44-52 segments to a midbody annulus; 0 precloacals. Coloration: pattern of small brownish dots on individual dorsal segments. Reproduction: no data available. 


Notes on a herpetological collection from the Somali Republic, Carl Gans, Raymond F Laurent and Hemchandra Pandit, Royal Museum of Central Africa, Terveuven, Belgium 1965.

"A second specimen of Agamodon anguliceps Calabresi, 1927 (Reptilia Amphisbaenia) from Somalia", Wulf D Haacke, Monitore zoologico italiano (Italian Journal of Zoology), 30 June 1979.

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