Added 18 October 2024.

A Look at the Family Uropeltidae


Earth Snakes


Boulenger gives the following characteristics for the genus: eye in the ocular shield; no supraocular, no temporal shields. No mental groove. Tail obliquely truncated, ending in a large, circular or oval, flat shield.


U. arcticeps, Tirunelveli Earth Snake

U. beddomii, Beddome's Earth Snake

U. bhupathyi, Bhupathyi's Earth Snake

U. bicatenata, Bicatenate Uropeltis

U. broughami, Brougham's Earth Snake

U. caudomaculata, Tailspot Uropeltis/Shieldtail

U. ceylanica, Ceylon Earth Snake

U. dindigalensis, Sirumalai Hills Earth Snake

U. ellioti, Elliott's Earth Snake

U. grandis, Smith's Earth Snake

U. guentheri, Madura Shieldtail

U. jerdonii, Jerdon's Shieldtail Snake

U. liura, Günther's Earth Snake

U. macrolepis, Bombay Earth Snake

U. macrorhyncha, Anamally Earth Snake

U. maculata, Spotted Earth Snake

U. madurensis, Madura Earth Snake

U. myhendrae, Boulenger's Earth Snake

U. nitida, Southern Earth Snake

U. ocellata, Ocellated Earth Snake

U. petersi, Shieldtail Earth Snake

U. phipsonii, Phipson's Shieldtail

U. pulneyensis, Indian Earth Snake, Palni Shieldtail

U. rajendrani, Rajendran's Shieldtail Snake

U. rubrolineata, Red-Lined Earth Snake

U. rubromaculata, Red-Spotted Earth Snake

U. shorttii, Shevaroy Hills Earth Snake

U. tricuspida, Three-Cusped Uropeltis, Three-Cusped Shieldtail

U. woodmasoni, Woodmason's Earth Snake

Scientific Name

Common Name





U. arcticeps

Tirunelveli Earth Snake

S India

TL 20 cm

See also Reptile Database entry. Head details: snout obtusely pointed ; rostral about one fifth the length of the shielded part of the head, the portion visible from above measuring about half its distance from the frontal: nasals in contact: frontal much longer thau broad. Eye measuring hardly half the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 26-27 times in the total length. Scalation details: 17 scales round the middle of the body, 19 behind the head. Ventrals: nearly twice as large as the contiguous scales, 128-130. Subcaudals: 8. Tail: end of tail nearly flat above, obliquely truncate, with strongly hi- or tricarinate scales; terminal scute with a transverse ridge and two more or less distinct points. Coloration: brown above, with small yellowish dots; yellow inferiorly, with large black spots or cross bands. [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. beddomii

Beddome's Earth Snake

S India

TL 27.5 cm

Head details: snout acutely pointed, much produced; rostral strongly compressed, keeled above, two fifths the length of the shielded part of the head; nasals in contact behind the rostral; frontal longer than broad. Eye: very small, not lialf the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 33 to 40 times in the total length. Scalation details: 17 scales round the middle of the body, 19 behind the head. Ventrals: not twice as large as the contiguous scales, 180-188. Subcaudals: 6-7 ( f ). Tail: end of tail subtruncate, convex or somewhat flattened above, the scales with three to five strong keels; terminal scute with a transverse ridge and two more or less distinct points. Coloration: brown, lower parts mixed with yellow; a yellow streak on each side of the neck; a yellow band across the anal region; none on the sides of the tail. [SOURCE: Boulenger].

U. bhupathyi

Bhupathyi's Earth Snake

India (Tamil Nadhu)

U. bicatenata

Bicatenate Uropeltis

W India

U. broughami

Brougham's Earth Snake

S India

TL 41 cm

Head details: snout acutely pointed ; rostral compressed, obtusely keeled above, about two fifths the length of the shielded part of the head, the portion visible from above much longer than its distance from the frontal; nasals in contact behind the rostral; frontal as broad as long, or slightly longer than broad. Eye: very small, not half the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 34-40 times in the total length. Scalation details: 19 scales round the middle of the body as well as behind the head. Ventrals: not twice as broad as the contiguous scales, 203-230. Subcaudals: 7-10. Tail: obliquely truncate, flat above, with strongly pluricarinate scales; terminal scute bicuspid. Coloration: brown above, with more or less distinct transverse scries of small yellow, black-edged ocelli; sides with a series of large yellow spots; ventrals dark brown. [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. caudomaculata

Tailspot Uropeltis, Tailspot Shieldtail

India (Tamil Nadhu, Kerala)

U. ceylanica

Ceylon Earth Snake

S India

TL 45 cm

Head details: snout rounded; rostral hardly one fourth the length of the shielded part of the head, the portion visible from above shorter than its distance from the frontal; nasals in contact; frontal a little longer than broad. Eye: more than half the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 21-29 times in the total length. 17 scales round the middle of the body, 19 behind the head. Ventrals: twice as large as the contiguous scales, 120-140. Subcaudals: 8-12. Tail: end of tail flat above, obliquely truncate, with strongly hi-, tri-, or quadricarinate scales; terminal scute with a transverse ridge and two more or less distinct points. Coloration: brown or blackish brown above, with or without yellowish spots or cross bars or a yellowish lateral stripe; belly yellowish, with or without dark brown spots, or entirely brown ; lower surface of tail brown or black in the middle, yellow on the sides. [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. dindigalensis

Sirumalai Hills Earth Snake

S India

TL 35.5 cm

Head details: snout acutely pointed; rostral compressed, about two fifths the length of the shielded part of the head, the portion visible from above much longer than its distance from the frontal; nasals in contact behind the rostral; frontal longer than broad. Eye: very small, not half the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 26-32 times in the total length. Scalation details: 17 scales round the middle of the body, 19 behind the head. Ventrals: twice as broad as the contiguous scales, 156-168. Subcaudals: 5-10. Tail: obliquely truncate, flat above, with strongly pluricarinate scales; terminal scute with a transverse ridge and two more or less distinct points. Coloration: yellowish above, the scales edged with darker, with small dark brown spots; belly dark brown, with yellow spots or irregular cross bars; a yellow streak on the lips, continued along each side of the neck. [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. ellioti

Elliott's Earth Snake

S India

TL 24 cm

Head details: snout pointed; rostral about one third the length of the shielded part of the head, the portion visible from above longer than its distance from the frontal; nasals in contact behind the rostral; frontal longer than broad. Eye: very small, not half the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 25-32 times in the total length. Scalation details: 17 scales round the middle of the body, 19 behind the head. Ventrals: nearly twice as large as the contiguous scales, 144-172. Subcaudals: 6-10. Tail: end of tail convex or somewhat flattened above upper caudal scales with three to six strong keels; terminal scute with a transverse ridge and two more or less distinct points. Coloration: dark brown, uniform or with yellow dots above and small yellow; dots interiorly; a more or less distinct yellow line on each side of the neck; a yellow band on each side of the tail, connected with its fellow by a transverse bar across the anal region. [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. grandis

Smith's Earth Snake

India (Kerala)

TL 48 cm

Head details: snout pointed; rostral one third or one fourth the length of the shielded part of the head, longer than its distance from the frontal, sometimes separating the nasals; frontal longer than broad. Eye: very small, not half the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 30-40 times in the total length. Scalation details: scales in 19 rows round the middle of the body, 21 behind the head. Ventrals: about twice as large as the contiguous scales, 198-218; posterior ventrals pluricarinate in the male. Subcaudals: 6-12. Tail: round or slightly compressed, the terminal scute with two small spines; caudal scales more or less strongly pluricarinate. Coloration: dark violet; belly with alternating large yellow spots or cross bands. [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. guentheri

Madura Shieldtail

India (Kerala)

U. jerdoni

Jerdon's Shieldtail Snake

India (Karnataka)

U. liura

Günther's Earth Snake

S India

TL 32 cm

Head details: snout obtusely pointed; rostral about one third the length of the shielded part of the head, the portion visible from above as long as its distance from the frontal; nasals in contact; frontal longer than broad. Eye: small, not half the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 32 to 38 times in the total length. Scalation details: 17 scales round the middle of the body, 19 behind the head. Ventrals: twice as broad as the coutiguous scales, 174-188. Subcaudals: 8-12. Tail: round or slightly compressed, the terminal scute very small and bicuspid; caudal scales smooth or with very faint keels. Coloration: purplish brown above, each scale edged with darker, with transverse series of small yellow, black-edged ocelli; sides and lower parts with large alternating black and yellow spots or cross bands. [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. macrolepis

Bombay Earth Snake

S India

TL 29.5 cm

Head details: snout rounded; rostral not one fourth the length of the shielded part of the head, the portion visible from above shorter than its distance from the frontal; nasals in contact; frontal as broad as long or slightly longer than broad. Eye: more than half the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 24-29 times in the total length. Scalation details: 15 scales round the middle of the body, 17 behind the head. Ventrals: twice as large as the contiguous scales, 128-140. Subcaudals: 7-9. Tail: end of tail flat above, obliquely truncate, with strongly bicarinate scales; terminal scute with a transverse ridge and two points. Coloration: black or dark purplish brown, each scale with a lighter edge; a short but broad yellow band on the lips and sides of neck, continued as a series of two to five large spots; a yellow band along each side of the tail. [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. m. macrolepis

U. m. mahableshwarensis

U. macrorhyncha

Anamally Earth Snake

S India

TL 57 cm

Head details: snout acutely pointed, much produced; rostral strongly compressed, keeled above, half the length of the shielded part of the head ; naals in contact behind the rostral; frontal as broad as long. Eye: very small, not one third the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 38 times in the total length. Scalation details: 17 scales round the middle of the body and 19 behind the head. Ventrals: not quite twice as large as the contiguous scales, 213. Subcaudals: 6 (f). Tail: end of tail subtruncate, the rugose part small and rather flat, the scales with three to five strong keels; terminal scute bicuspid. Coloration: upper parts uniform brown, lower parts mixed with yellow; a yellow streak from the mouth along each side of the neck; a yellow streak on each side of the lower surface of the tail, connected with its fellow by a cross bar on the anal region. [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. maculata

Spotted Earth Snake

S India

TL 38 cm

Head details: snout obtuse; rostral about one fourth the length of the shielded part of the head, the portion visible from above as long as its distance from the frontal; nasals in contact; frontal longer than broad. Eye: small, not half the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 27-40 times in the total length. Scalation details: 17 scales round the middle of the body, 19 behind the head. Ventrals: nearly twice as large as the contiguous scales, 152-173. Subcaudals: 8-13. Tail: rounded or a little compressed; scales smooth or a few of the terminals faintly keeled; terminal scute very small, bicuspid. Coloration: dark brown or black, with several deep red blotches along the sides of the anterior portion of the trunk and about the tail, rarely along the whole of the body. [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. madurensis

Madura Earth Snake

S India

TL 35 cm

Head details: snout obtuse; rostral a little more than one fourth the length of the shielded part of the head, the portion visible from above as long as its distance from the frontal; nasals in contact; frontal a little longer than broad. Eye: half or somewhat more than half the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 25-33 times in the total length. Scalation details: 17 scales round the middle of the body, 19 behind the head. Ventrals: twice as broad as the contiguous scales, 127-136. Subcaudals: 8-10. Tail: end of tail flat above, obliquely truncate, with strongly bi- or tricarinate scales; terminal scute with a transverse ridge and two more or less distinct points. Coloration: dark olive-brown, uniform above; lower parts variegated with yellow and red; some red blotches on each side of the anterior portion of the body, and one on each side of the tail near the vent. [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. myhendrae

Boulenger's Earth Snake

S India

TL 33.5 cm

Head details: snout obtuse; rostral one fourth or not quite one third the length of the shielded part of the head, the portion visible from above slightly longer than its distance from the frontal; nasals in contact; frontal slightly longer than broad. Eye: somewhat more than half the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 25 to 32 times in the total length. Scalation details: 17 scales round the middle of the body, 19 behind the head. Ventrals: twice as broad as the contiguous scales, 139-153. Subcaudals: 7-8. Tail: obliquely truncate, flat above, with strongly bi- or tricarinate scales; terminal scute with a transverse ridge, indistinctly bicuspid, rounded in the young. Coloration: dark purplish brown above, each scale with a crescentic yellowish posterior border; three or four dark transverse blotches behind the head; lower parts yellowish, with small purplish-brown spots in the adult, with large rhomboidal transverse blackish blotches in the young. [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. nitida

Southern Earth Snake

S India

TL 35 cm

Head details: snout obtusely pointed; rostral about one third the length of the shielded part of the head, the portion visible from above longer than its distance from the frontal ; nasals in contact; frontal as long as broad or a httle longer than broad. Eye: small, not half the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 30-35 times in the total length. Scalation details: 17 scales round the middle of the body, 19 behind the head. Ventrals: twice as broad as the contiguous scales, 184-195. Subcaudals: 5-11. Tail: round or slightly flattened above, the terminal scales strongly pluricarinate; the terminal scute with a transverse [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. ocellata

Ocellated Earth Snake

S India

TL 50 cm

Head details: snout pointed; rostral about one fourth the length of the shielded part of the head, the portion visible from above longer than its distance from the frontal; nasals forming a suture behind the rostral; frontal usually longer than broad. Eye: very small, hardly one third the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 30 to 46 times in the total length. Scalation details: 17 scales round the middle of the body, 19 behind the head. Ventrals: about twice as large as the contiguous scales, 193-234. Subcaudals: 6-11. Tail: round or slightly flattened, the terminal scute with two small points; scales on the upper surface of the tail strongly pluricarinate. Coloration: yellowish or brown above, usually with transverse series of small yellow blackedged ocelli; belly brown with large yellow spots or cross bands, or yellow mottled or blotched with brown. [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. petersi

Shieldtail Earth Snake

S India

TL 19 cm

Head details: snout obtusely pointed; rostral hardly one fourth the length of the shielded part of the head, the portion visible from above shorter than its distance from the frontal; nasals in contact; frontal longer than broad. Eye: small, not half the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 25 to 33 times in the total length. Scalation details: 17 scales round the middle of the body, 19 behind the head. Ventrals: about twice as largo as the contiguous scales, 151-180. Subcaudals: 6-11. Tail: round or slightly compressed, the terminal upper scales more or less distinctly pluricarinate; the terminal scute with a transverse ridge, without distinct points. Coloration: brown, with or without yellowish dots above; belly with small irregular yellowish spots; no yellow band on the side of the tail. [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. phipsonii

Phipson's Shieldtail

India (Tamil Nadhu, Maharashtra)

TL 28 cm

Head details: snout obtusely pointed; rostral one third the length of the shielded part of the head, the portion visible from above longer than its distance from the frontal; nasals in contact behind the rostral; frontal longer than broad. Eye: rather more than half the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 28-38 times in the total length. Scalation details: scales in 17 rows round the middle of the body, in 17 or 19 round the neck. Ventrals: nearly twice as large as the contiguous scales, 144-157. Subcaudals 7-12. Tail: end of tail flat above, obliquely truncate, with strongly bi- or quadricarinate scales; terminal scute with a transverse ridge and two more or less distinct points. Coloration: brown, uniform or with yellowish dots above; a more or less marked short yellow streak on each side from the commissure of the mouth; a yellow band on each side of the tail, connected with its fellow by a transverse bar across the anal region. [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. pulneyensis

Indian Earth Snake, Palni Shieldtail

S India

TL 38 cm

Head details: snout obtusely pointed; rostral about one fourth the length of the shielded part of the head, longer than its distance from the frontal, entirely separating the nasals; frontal longer than broad. Eye: half the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 30-38 times in the total length. Scalation details: 17 scales round the middle of the body, 19 behind the head. Ventrals: about twice as large as the contiguous scales, 161-180. Subcaudals: 6-13. Tail: somewhat compressed, the terminal scute with two small points; usually some of the terminal scales with faint keels. Coloration: brown, with a few minute yellow specks on the back: a yellow lateral band anteriorly; belly with large yellow, usually alternating, spots or cross bands. In one specimen (6'. guentheri, Bedd.) the belly is uniform yellow. [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. rajendrani

Rajendran's Shieldtail Snake

India (Tamil Nadhu)

U. rubrolineata

Red-Lined Earth Snake

S India

TL 40 cm

Head details: snout obtusely pointed; rostral about one fourth the length of the shielded part of the head, the portion visible from above as long as its distance from the frontal; nasals in contact; frontal as broad as long or slightly longer than broad. Eye: small, not half the length of the ocular. Diameter of body 30 to 33 times in the total length. Scalation details: 17 scales round the middle of the body, 19 behind the head. Ventrals: twice as broad as the contiguous scales, 165-172. Subcaudals: 6-8. Tail: end of tail flat above, obliquely truncate, withstrongly bi- or trlcarinate scales; terminal scute with a transverse ridge but no points. Coloration: blackish brown, with a more or less marked bright red band along each side. [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. rubromaculata

Red-Spotted Earth Snake

S India

TL 34 cm

Head details: snout obtuse; rostral a little more than one fourth the length of the shielded part of the head, the portion visible from above as long as its distance from the frontal; nasals in contact; frontal a little longer than broad. Eye: half or somewhat more than half the length of the ocular. Diameter of body: 25-33 times in the total length. Scalation details: 17 scales round the middle of the body, 19 behind the head. Ventrals: twice as broad as the contiguous scales, 127-136. Subcaudals: 8-10. Tail: end of tail flat above, obliquely truncate, with strongly bi- or tricarinate scales; terminal scute with a transverse ridge and two more or less distinct points. Coloration: dark olive-brown, uniform above; lower parts variegated with yellow and red; some red blotches on each side of the anterior portion of the body, and one on each side of the tail near the vent. [SOURCE: Boulenger]

U. shorttii

Shevaroy Hills Earth Snake

S India

U. tricuspida

Three-Cusped Uropeltis, Three-Cusped Shieldtail

India (Kerala)

U. woodmasoni

Woodmason's Earth Snake

S India
