Last updated 24 July 2022: added link to Haemodracon.
This family came into being under the recent reclassification of geckos and represents the "leaf-toed" geckos.
With the exception of Tarentola, few of these geckos are common within the herpetocultural hobby, at least within the UK.
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Distribution |
# of Species |
Notes |
Asaccus |
Middle East and Turkey |
7 |
Gymnodactylus |
Naked Toe Geckos |
Brazil |
3 |
Formerly a much larger genus: many species now broken off into other genera |
Socotran Geckos |
Yemen (Socotra Island) |
2 |
Both formerly part of the genus Phyllodactylus |
Homonota |
Marked Geckos |
South America, also Antilles |
10 |
Phyllodactylus |
Leaf-Toed Geckos |
South and Central America as far north as S USA |
47 |
Formerly a much larger genus, but Old World members were reclassified into other genera. |
Phyllopezus |
Brazil |
2 |
Fan-Fingered Geckos |
North Africa and Middle East |
6 |
Name derives from enlarged circular pad at tip of each toe |
Wall Geckos* |
Spain, N & W Africa and Atlantic Islands, Caribbean |
20 |
T. mauritanica and T. annularis often offered within the pet trade: robust species |
Thecadactylus |
Americas from Mexico to Brazil and Bolivia |
1 |
General Care and Maintenance of Tokay Geckos and Related Species, McKeown and Zaworski, Herpetocultural Library 1997. If you want to keep any of the Gekko, Ptychozoon or Cyrtodactylus species, I thoroughly recommend this book.
Lizards of the World, Mattison
Keeping and Breeding Lizards, Mattison
Lizard-Keeper's Handbook, de Vosjoli, Herpetocultural Library Series, 1994.
Lizard Care from A to Z, Bartlett and Bartlett, Barrons 1997.
Echsen [Lizards] 1, Rogner, Ulmer 1992.
Geckos: A Complete Pet Owner's Manual, Bartlett and Bartlett, Barrons 1995.
Geckos: Keeping and Breeding Them in Captivity, Walls and Walls, TFH 1999.
Breeding and Keeping Geckos, Coborn, TFH 1995. Both Coborn and the Walls' book offer excellent information on many of the gecko species, including some useful descriptions of the rarer Australo-Pacific species, as does Rogner's book.
Grzimek, Volume 6, Reptiles. (see Bibliography on the main Gecko page).
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